
Full speed ahead: Building a high-velocity back office

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As servicer to 11 percent* of the world’s assets, we see what others can’t. In our four-part article series, Full Speed Ahead, we explore the ways in which institutional investors can enhance their back-office capabilities. The first step? Building a high-velocity back office.

June 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, institutional investors face a critical juncture. On one hand, they are adapting to the complex and challenging financial environment by embracing innovation and staying ahead of the curve. On the other hand, they are under constant pressure to reduce costs and streamline operations.

This article series examines four key focus areas to assist institutional investors in strengthening their back-office operations, including:

  • Building a high-velocity back office
  • Harnessing the power of data and technology
  • Consolidating providers (and the benefits this provides)
  • Maximizing back-office flexibility and agility

The first installment in the series, “Building a high-velocity back office” is now live. Here’s a preview of the article:

Over the last decade, the back office has often been overlooked by many investment firms. However, increasing complexity and intensifying competition are shifting this perspective.

As products face shorter lifecycles and the volume of new offerings rises, time to market is crucial. These trends highlight the need for firms to reassess the role of the back office. Instead of seeing it merely as a functional necessity, investors should explore how strategically developing the back office can create a lasting competitive advantage.


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